How It Works
The Technology
Head & Neck
These interventions can be done with guidance and ensuring avoidance of blood vessels and nerves.
- Greater occipital nerve injections
- Neck and trapezius trigger point injections
- Trapezius, rhomboid, levaor strain/pain
- Costochondritis
- Sternoclavicular joint arthropathy
There are wide number of pain generators in the shoulders. Effective procedures are available for many of these conditions.
- Subacromial bursitis and impingement syndrome
- AC joint arthrosis
- GH joint arthrosis
- Deltoid enthesitis
- Biceps tendinopathy
- Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
- Calcific tendinopathy
Wrists, Hands & Elbows
These conditions of the superficial layers are amenable to safe intervention.
- Distal and proximal intersection syndrome
- Trigger finger/thumb
- Arthritis of the IP joints/MCP joints/CMC joint
- Wrist arthritis
- Tendinitis/tendinopathy
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Ulnar neuropathy at Guyon’s canal and the cubital tunnel
- De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
- Lateral and medial epicondylitis (tennis and golfer’s elbow)
- Olecranon bursitis
Hip & Pelvis
Even the deep hip joint can be injected with accuracy, when ultrasound is used.
- Meralgia paresthetica (Lateral cutaneous femoral nerve hydrodissection)
- Sacro-Iliac (SI) joint inflammation
- Trochanteric bursitis (aka greater trochanteric pain syndrome)
- Gluteal tendinopathy
- Piriformis syndrome
- Hip osteoarthritis
Common acute and chronic knee conditions can be treated.
- Arthritis
- Pes anserine bursitis
- Patellar tendinopathy
- Baker’s cysts
- Pre-patellar and infra-patellar bursitis
- Ilio-Tibial (IT) band syndrome
- Peroneal nerve inflammation/impingement
Ankle & Feet
- Ankle joint arthritis
- Subtalar joint injections
- Morton’s neuroma
- Plantar fasciitis
- 1st MTP arthritis/gout
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome